Meeting minutes

February 3, 2015

Minutes of the Board Meeting — February 3, 2015

Call to order 7:03 AM.  Meeting held at Hot Sulphur Springs/Parshall Fire Department.

In Attendance: Michelle Gable, Yvonne Knox, Lindsay McCann, and Thad Scholl.

Agenda approved.

Yvonne handed out a summary of events and Activities held in 2014.

Budget plan for 2015 was discussed. Thad made a motion to accept, Michelle seconded the motion and the motion was passed.

Town clean up days were then discussed.  Two will be held in 2015.  Saturday May 9th and Saturday October 3rd.  The chamber will Co-op with the two trash companies Waste Management  and  The Trash Company as well as Grand County for use of their lot.  Both events will be limited to residents of the HSSP fire district.

The annual meeting for the chamber was discussed.  It was decided to hold a pot luck pie party on Saturday evening 3/14/15 at the HSSP Fire department.

A motion for the chamber to sponsor Hot Sulphur Days at the $250.00 level was made by Thad.  Michelle seconded the motion and the motion was passed.

Yvonne said she will contact Dee Kitchen about the chamber sponsoring The Outlaw Salsa contest for Hot Sulphur Days.  She will also talk to the Hot Sulphur Days committee at the next meeting about changing the time to hold it.

The Easter Egg hunt for April 4th was discussed.  The town and the chamber will split the cost, approximately $200.00 each.  The board will volunteer to hide eggs and set up food.  It was decided to have corn dogs for the kids and chili for the adults.

Michelle said Haypenny Services may sponsor Movie nights in the town park.  The chamber will look into cost of video equipment.

It was brought up again that some of the chambers in Grand County may consider joining together in the future to combine costs, such as insurance.

Since having an office in the museum proved to be successful, it was brought up that it should be continued.  It costs approximately $2,000.00.  It was suggested the chamber use the $1500.00 donation from Mountain Parks Electric.

D &O Insurance is about $800.00 per year and it was discussed that this needs to continue.

The Christmas tree lighting was discussed.  It was suggested that the date be moved back to the first Saturday in December and that maybe the chamber could Co-op with the town and fire department.  It was thought that Santa coming in on a fire truck would be fun for the kids.  It was also agreed that it would not be worth it to spend the estimated cost of $200.00 for advertising.

GCCTB Grant money was discussed.  Possibilities included: Continuing advertising in 5280 magazine, continuing to use the Colorado vacation directory and using the balance of the grant to work on our website.

For 2015, the chamber will be asking for a $12,000 grant.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 

February 17, 2015

Minutes of the Board Meeting — February 17, 2015

Call to order 7:04 AM.  Meeting held at Pioneer Village Museum/Chamber Office.

In Attendance: Michelle Gable,Yvonne Knox, Lindsay McCann, Natalie Rosson and Thad Scholl.

At the end of 2014, there was a cash balance of $4,173.06.  All records balance to that.

Michelle and Thad agreed to be signers on the chamber checking account with Grand Mountain Bank.

Natalie Rosson, a resident of Hot Sulphur Springs graciously accepted an invitation to become a board member for the Hot Sulphur Springs Chamber of Commerce.  Thad made a motion to accept; Michelle seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

Thad agreed to contact Matt Harms about releasing the cell phone number from the phone he previously donated to the Chamber.  This will help the Chamber since the number has been used on all advertising.

The Chamber Annual Meeting and Pi(e) Party Potluck was discussed.  Water and lemonade will be served. The board will set up at 5:00 with the meeting starting at 6:00.

A membership drive was discussed.  Some suggestions were:

  • Having a Chamber table set up at every event in Hot Sulphur Springs.
  • A space for an advertising rack at the visitor center/museum might be appealing to members.

The Board members will meet in the park at 10:00 am on Saturday April 4th to set up for the Easter Egg Hunt. It will start at 11:00 with lunch immediately following.

It was announced that the application for the D &O Insurance has been signed.

The grant to promote tourism from the GCCTB is $10,000 and was approved.

The Chamber agreed to sponsor a town yard sale on Saturday, August 8th.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 

March 14, 2015

Minutes of the Annual Meeting — March 14, 2015

Call to order 7:09 PM.  Annual meeting held at Hot Sulphur Springs/Parshall Fire Department.

Board members in Attendance: Michelle Gable, Yvonne Knox, and Lindsay McCann.

Dror Zaks, a resident of Hot Sulphur Springs, graciously accepted an invitation to become a board member for the Hot Sulphur Springs Chamber of Commerce.  Michelle made a motion to accept; Lindsay seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

Dror also expressed a willingness to serve as the Treasurer for the Chamber, based on his work experience. The Board members present were all in favor of making Dror our new Treasurer.
The bank signatures will be updated to reflect the needed changes.

A motion was made by Michelle to accept the 2015 budget plan as presented.  Dror seconded the motion and the motion was passed.

The following announcements were made:

  • The grant the Chamber requested to promote tourism from the GCCTB was approved for $10,000.  Some of that money will be spent on advertising in 5280 magazine and the Colorado Vacation Directory.  Some of the funds will also go to improvements on the Chamber’s website.
  • The Chamber office/visitor center at the museum was a great success last summer.  158 people stopped in.  The $1500.00 donation from Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. supported this.
  • The Chamber currently has 23 members.  Membership drives were discussed.
  • The Easter Egg Hunt, Town Clean-up Days and Christmas Tree Lighting events were also successful in 2014.  All of these events are planned again for 2015, as well as a town-wide yard sale on August 8, 2015.
  • D & O insurance for the Chamber was approved as of February for 2015.
  • Last year, the chambers in Grand County joined together for an All Chamber Chili Contest and Mixer at Grand Lake Plumbing.  This event will happen again in 2015.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.